Monday, December 31, 2007

Morton Nears The Conclusion Of His Great Task

Just a few more lights and Morton will be ready for Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #7

Morton: Now Morton understands what was missing! Merry Christmas to everybody!

Gordon: Heh. I'm gonna spit on Morton's cookie when Morton isn't looking. Heh heh.

Wesley: My nose itches.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #6

A Christmas mystery. These cookies smell like almonds and have sugar frosting, but Morton still feels like there's something missing. Is it possible there's more to Christmas than just almonds and sugar?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #4

This one is for the day before Christmas and this one is for Christmas Day and that one is for the day after Christmas. Next, Morton will show you the candy canes.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #3

These aren't pointy at all!

This Could Be A Problem, Come Christmas Morning

Morton wants this soooooo bad!!!!!

There's a mon-key who knows

All that glitters is gold....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ask Morton



What are you doing?

Dancing. What are YOU doing?

I want to ask you about the election.

Morton votes for more cookies!

I mean the presidential election. In the USA.

Morton votes for more presidential cookies!

Be serious for a second.


Okay. I'm going to give you the name of someone running for president and I want you to tell me what you think of them. Let's start with Barack Obama.

He would give Morton candy, if Morton asked! And tickle Morton's tummy too!

Hillary Clinton.

Her laugh hurts Morton's ears and Morton has to put his hands over his ears until she stops.

Rudy Giuliani.

He eats monkey brains! Morton can tell!

Mike Huckabee.

Hahahaha. Huck-a-BEE! Huck-a-BEEEEE! (Morton will probably never get tired of that!)

John Edwards.

He has too many teeth and probably never eats candy.

Mitt Romney.

He has too many teeth and his hair looks pointy and hard.

Dennis Kucinich.

Morton loves him! He's the same size as Morton and Morton could play with his ears all day long. (Morton is a little afraid of his giant wife though.)

Fred Thompson.

He would give Morton cookies and tell Morton a night-night story every night.

John McCain.

He might hug Morton or eat Morton's brains. Morton isn't sure.

Bill Richardson.

Hugs, cookies, candy, spicy treats!

Joe Biden.

Morton is getting tired now.

Okay, one more then. Ron Paul.



Because, he has a LOVE BLIMP! See?

It spells "L-O-V-E"!

That doesn't seem like the best reason in the world to support someone for president.

Love blimp, love blimp, love blimp, love blimp, love blimp...


...blimpy blimpy blimpy blimpy blimpy blimpy blimpy blimpy.... (Morton is doing the Blimp Dance).

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #2

The reindeer rodeo is Morton's favourite part of Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Morton's Christmas Card #1

Seasons Greetings From Frosty the Snowmonkey!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Morton Soon Runs Into Complications

It took Morton over an hour to get this far!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Morton's Snow Day Begins Innocently Enough

Morton is going to the park to make a snow angel!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Morton Makes A Friend At The Blue Rodeo Concert

Hi, Jim! My name is Morton! Morton plays the tambourine! This song would sound even greater with a little tambourine solo, don't you think?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Morton Oversteps His Bounds

All Morton said was that Gerry Cheevers' lifetime regular season and playoff goals against average was better than Tony Esposito's!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Morton, Sports Enthusiast

From here, they don't look like bears at all! Ha ha ha!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Morton's Midwestern Adventure Begins, Starring Old Brown Eyes Himself

Now this could only happen to a monkey like me
And only happen in a town like this
So may I say to each of you most gratefully
As I throw each one of you a kiss (and another and another and another)

This is my kind of town, Chicago is
My monkey kind of town, Chicago is
My kind of people too (and monkeys)
People who smile at you (and monkeys)

My kind of town, Chicago is
My kind of razzma-monkey-tazz
And it has all that jazz (and monkeys)